11 Questions on Goal Setting: The important steps to have success in life

There are different questions on goal setting that you need to ask yourself. And not only ask, but you also need to figure out the answers to them—so that you can achieve your goals. These goal setting questions are not only important when you’re setting your goals, they’re also important to ask while you’re executing … Read more

Group Goal Setting: Everything you need to know before your next group project

The year was 2000, and the company that was about to take off was Pixar. In that year, Steve Jobs was about to relocate the company to an abandoned canning factory in Del Monte. The original plan of the building was to have three buildings separately. Each building is to be offices for computer scientists, … Read more

7 EFFICIENT Goal Setting Methods you can to try based on your goal setting personality types

At the risk of sounding cliché, several goal-setting methods don’t work for most people. Why? Because a lot of people are trying to do what’s secondary to their personality types. In life, there are different things that interest us, and different things that energize us. And these differences are rooted deep into the type of … Read more

Areas of Life to Set Goals and what experts have to say about the side effects of a really successful life!

One day, a young Buffalo in the wild asked his father what he should be afraid of. His father responded, “Only Lions my son”. “What should I do when I see one? Should I run the other way?” the young Buffalo asked. “No. That’s the worst thing you can do. If you ever see a … Read more

Monthly Goal Planner: A free downloadable and printable template and the steps on how to use it effectively

Setting goals is very important. Of more importance is to set monthly goals from your long-term goals. Monthly goals help you stay focused and let you know which particular checklist you should be marking as completed after the month is over. Why the monthly goal planner? Let’s say you’ve read this comprehensive post on how … Read more

How to set monthly goals properly: Experts revealed why this is the best approach to yearly goal setting

Most people think of their goals in yearly terms. Most new year’s resolutions always start with the same phrase, “this year”. “This year, I want to lose 10 pounds” and “This year, I want to socialize more”. “This year I want to learn how to play the piano” There is nothing really wrong with this … Read more

Planning and Goal Setting: A Scientific Guide on the art of effective planning for your goals

In the words of Pablo Picasso: “Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan, in which we must religiously believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success”. There have never been truer words than the ones above. Our Goals are indeed the destination we … Read more

Goal Setting and Vision Boards: The only method researchers said can make your board work

If you Google the words goal setting and vision boards, you’ll get really confused. The more you read on the subject, the more confused you’ll actually get. Self-help gurus will say vision board works. Some scholars will claim it doesn’t work. Researchers will conduct experiments and assert it works. Some researchers will conduct experiments and … Read more