30 Powerful Subconscious Mind Affirmations for Wealth Creation

Using subconscious mind affirmations that are tailored specifically for the subconscious mind is a very easy way to access the subconscious mind and program it for wealth. The truth is that affirmations have been around for quite some time and a lot of people have been doing it. But, of all the people that have … Read more

Does law of attraction work? 3 reasons why the law of attraction might not be working for you

These days, a lot of people ask the question; does law of attraction work for some people? The problem with the law of attraction is in the way it is being advertised to people. With a lot of self-help gurus that are currently out there, — with exception of few — the famous mantra being … Read more

Subconscious mind and law of attraction: How to get the law of attraction to work for you

The law of attraction is now a popular concept that a lot of people now understand. But in order to fully grasp the full concept of the law of attraction, you need to understand the relationship between the subconscious mind and law of attraction. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind The conscious mind is … Read more